Landing page feedback from 6
real testers, for just £30.

Run 6 impression tests to see how visitors
perceive your site. Results in 24 hrs.

Landing page feedback from 6<br /> real testers, for just £30.

How it works

Just share a link to your website.

Just share a link to your website.

We get 6 people to share their views.

We get 6 people to share their views.

Get results in 24 hours. Here’s a <a href="/5ST-Sample-PDF-Report.pdf" target="_blank">Sample Report</a> 😊

Get results in 24 hours. Here’s a Sample Report 😊

Why customers love us

Quick & actionable results

Quick & actionable results

Simple and cost effective

Simple and cost effective

Order a test in 3 clicks

Order a test in 3 clicks

Real, no bullshit feedback

Real, no bullshit feedback

Useful feedback in a day

“When you’re too close to something, you can miss what might be obvious to others, that’s why having Five Second Tests help was so valuable. We were able to quickly get useful insights to help make our value proposition clearer to consumers.”

Fernanda Dobal - Founder at Bia.Care
Useful feedback in a day

Who we’ve worked with

Our testers come from a wide range of backgrounds and jobs, from small startups to multinational businesses.

Who we’ve worked with


What's impression testing?

Simply put, it’s showing someone your site for a brief period without any other input, to see what they understand and how they feel about it. These testers should be people with no prior knowledge about the site and not friends or family (as they will be biased).

In our case, each tester is asked to provide 1-3 line written answers for the following questions:

Q1. What do you think the site does?

Q2. What value do you think the site provides for the intended market?

Q3. What was the most obvious next step and would you take it?

How long is each test?

As real users don’t like to wait around, it’s useful to only give testers a quick look at the landing page of your site. Depending on the length, users review the site for between 5 to 30 seconds.

They then are given more time to write their answers.

Why 6 tests?

Research shows that on average you need 6 user tests to reach “saturation of feedback”. All that means is that after 6 tests, you get 80% or more of the possible feedback. After that, diminishing returns set in and testers mainly repeat feedback previous testers have already shared.

Can I choose specific testers?

Nope, but for a good reason 😊.

Impression tests are meant to simply help you see if your landing page or any other single page of your website makes sense to a general user.

They’re similar to stopping a few random people on the street and asking if they can understand what your site is about. After a few answers, you’ll quickly understand if your site is confusing or not.

Keeping things simple also helps us make the whole process of ordering a test take under two minutes and helps us keep prices down for you.

Get the insights to learn how to improve your business within 24 hours!